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Career and Technical Education

Lynnwood Mayor's Challenge

2023 - 2024 City of Lynnwood "Mayor's Challenge" 

This partnership with the Edmonds School District and the City of Lynnwood is an exciting opportunity to use STEM and the Arts. It's a great way to explore and propose solutions to authentic issues in the community.  We challenge and invite our students, grades 4th -12th to solve these challenges, and work alongside city mentors to make improvements for our community.   Click for the: LIST OF PROJECTS  

Final project submissions are due by 3:00pm on Friday, March 29, 2024 at the Edmonds Service Center (School District Office) 20420 68th Ave. W Lynnwood WA 98036  Attention to: Vanessa Edwards, CTE (Career and Technical Education)

   Register to accept the Challenge: REGISTRATION FORM LINK

Celebrating 23-23 year's challengers at an Edmonds School District Board meeting with Mayor Frizzell and Derek Fada, City project lead