COM116 (Semester)
Credits: 0.5
Grade Level: 9 – 12
Course Description:
This course provides students with hands-on experience using today’s technology. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate an entry-level proficiency using the Microsoft Office Suite (PowerPoint, Word, Excel, and Access), Internet use and misuse, digital design, career exploration, and an introduction to HTML. Students will become more efficient and effective utilizing the skills necessary to be academically and professionally successful.
COM100 (Semester)
Credits: .5
Grade Level: 9 – 12
Course Description:
Develop proficiency with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint software for school and workplace. Students may earn Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification upon successful completion of Microsoft exam. College credit available.
COM200 (Semester)
Credits: .5
Grade Level: 10 – 12
Course Description:
Develop proficiency with Microsoft Excel and Access software for school and workplace. Students may earn Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification upon successful completion of Microsoft exam. College credit available.
COM180 (Semester)
Credits: .5
Grade Level: 9 – 12
Course Description:
Learn how computers operate and how new computing technologies are invented. Explore the roles we play as consumers, users and developers of technology. Try out computer tools to create games and animations.
COM557/558 (Year)
Credits: 1.0
Grade Level: 10 – 12
Course Description:
Learn principles of cybersecurity, explore emerging technologies, examine threats and protective measures, and investigate career opportunities in the field of cybersecurity. Topics installation, configuration and securing of networks and devices; and legal and ethical issues related to computing behavior. College Credit may be available.
IBB401/402 (Year)
Credits: 1.0
Grade Level: 11-12
Course Description:
This is the first year of the two-year IB Business Management HL course which covers all SL and HL units, including Introduction to Business Management, Human Resources, Finance, Marketing, and Operations. At the end of the course, you will have the option to take either the SL or HL exam.
The course culminates with an Internal Assessment (IA), where you'll have the opportunity to investigate a business of your choice through one of the four core concepts interwoven throughout the course: Change, Creativity, Ethics, or Sustainability. Additional projects include:
- Creating a Business Plan: Develop an original plan for either a Profit or Non-Profit Social Enterprise.
- Shark Tank Project: End each year by designing a product and pitching it to the "Sharks."
In addition, students will participate in various field trips and hear from industry guest speakers who share their experiences in every aspect of business.
IBB403/404 (Year)
Credits: 1.0
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: IB Business Management A HL
Course Description:
This is the second year of the two-year IB Business Management HL course which covers all SL and HL units, including Introduction to Business Management, Human Resources, Finance, Marketing, and Operations. At the end of the course, you will have the option to take either the SL or HL exam.
The course culminates with an Internal Assessment (IA), where you'll have the opportunity to investigate a business of your choice through one of the four core concepts interwoven throughout the course: Change, Creativity, Ethics, or Sustainability. Additional projects include:
- Creating a Business Plan: Develop an original plan for either a Profit or Non-Profit Social Enterprise.
- Shark Tank Project: End each year by designing a product and pitching it to the "Sharks."
In addition, students will participate in various field trips and hear from industry guest speakers who share their experiences in every aspect of business.
MAR410 (Semester)
Credits: .5
Grade Level: 9 – 12
Course Description:
Learn about the role marketing plays in our free enterprise system, and why some companies are successful while others fail. Make yourself a valuable employee by learning the Steps to Selling, advertising and public relations skills. DECA participation is recommended. College credit available.
MAR460 (Semester)
Credits: .5, may be repeated for credit
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Marketing Essentials
Course Description:
Gain valuable experience by managing and operating the school store and learn how a business can increase profit and sales productivity. Students plan, organize and implement all components of the student store including ordering, bookkeeping, and personnel management and supervision. May be repeated for credit. College credit available.
MAR465 (Semester)
Credits: .5
Grade Level: 9 – 12
Course Description:
Learn the basic principles of Marketing and Economics with a special emphasis on sports and entertainment. Create a sample Press Kit to use when applying for Sports and Entertainment positions. College credit available.
HEC315 (Semester)
Credits: .5
Grade Level: 12
Course Description:
Gain the skills and knowledge needed to confidently approach the challenges of managing personal finances. Topics include financial responsibility and decision making, personal income, taxes, savings, investments, banking, credit, debt, insurance, and purchasing goods and services. Students also complete a career exploration and develop employment seeking skills. Fulfills district graduation requirement
MAT365/366 (Year)
Credits: 0.5 per semester
Grade Level: 11 – 12
Equivalency: 1.0 credit 3rd Year Math
Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 1 and Geometry OR concurrent enrollment in Geometry.
Equipment needed: A graphing calculator (TI-83 Plus, or better).
Course Description:
This class may fulfill the third-year math requirement needed for graduation if parent/guardian and school approval are obtained. College credit may be available. In this math course, students increase their math understanding and skills by working with real-world financial situations and problems. Financial Algebra engages students as they grow in mathematical maturity and expertise throughout their high school years which will help them to succeed in the new global economy. Topics include: Stock Market, Banking Services, Income Taxes, Independent Living, Consumer Credit, Preparing Budgets, and Employment Basics. This course offers College Credit through Bellevue College as a CTE Dual Credit class.