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Career and Technical Education

Business, Marketing and IT

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The Business, Marketing and Information Technology (IT) Pathway is a great program for students who have an interest in the world of business, finance, technology and marketing, and ...
 +  Enjoy helping, leading and working with people.
 +  Have an interest in how technology and computer applications are used in business and industry settings.
 +  Enjoy organizing and planning activities or events.
 +  Have an interest in working in a business, technology and/or marketing environment.

Pathway Benefits and Highlights
Students who complete 2 credits in this Pathway will meet state Math and English/Language Arts Graduation Pathway requirements, and...
 +  Have opportunity to earn industry recognized Microsoft Office Specialist certification (MOS).
 +  Have access to employment and internship opportunities in our community.
 +  Earn college credits which can be applied directly into partner college programs.
 +  Have opportunity to participate in leadership events through DECA or TSA.

Earn College Credit for Your Pathway Courses      
 Pathway Course  College Credits  College  Articulated College Course

 BUS100 Accounting 1
 COM100 IT Academy 1 or COM 200 IT Academy 2
 COM100 IT Academy 1 or COM 200 IT Academy 2
 COM100 IT Academy 1 or COM 200 IT Academy 2
 COM206/207 AP Computer Science A
 COM557/558 Cybersecurity
 MAR410 Marketing Essentials
 MAR420 Sales and Advertising
 MAR460 Retail Store
 MAR465 Sports and Entertainment Marketing
 MAT368/369 Financial Algebra/Business Math (CHS)
 MAT365/366 Financial Algebra (EWHS)
 MAT365/366 Financial Algebra (EWHS)
 MAT365/366 Financial Algebra (EWHS)
 MAT365/366 Financial Algebra (EWHS)
 MAT365/366 Financial Algebra (EWHS)
 MAT365/366 Financial Algebra (EWHS)

 Edmonds College
 Bellevue College
 Bellevue College
 Bellevue College
 University of Washington
 Edmonds College
 Bellevue College
 Bellevue College
 Bellevue College
 Bellevue College
 Edmonds College
 Bellevue College
 Bellevue College
 Bellevue College
 Bellevue College
 Bellevue College
 Bellevue College
 ACCT101 Accounting Fundamentals
 BTS168 Business Data Management Tools (MS Access)
 BTS165 Business Spreadsheet Design (MS Excel)
 BTS161 Business Software Essentials (MS Word)
 CSE121 Intro to Computer Programming 1
 CIS274 Cybersecurity Fundamentals
 MKTG101 Intro to Marketing
 MKTG131 Principles of Professional Selling
 MKTG135 Principles of Retailing
 MKTG103 Intro to Sports Marketing
 BUS130 Business Math
 BUS102 Personal Money Management
 BUS103 Personal Savings
 BUS104 Personal Credit
 BUS105 Personal Taxes
 BUS106 Personal Risk Management
 BUS108 Personal Investment

 * COM100 and 200 College Credit requires earning MOS Certification in designated MS Office applications.

Continue Your Training After High School
The Business and Marketing Pathway articulates and leads directly into the Edmonds College Accounting Program of Study and Bellevue College Business Technology Program of Study and Marketing Management Program of Study.

Business and Marketing Pathway Videos

Microsoft IT Academy

Marketing Essentials

Who Can Access this Pathway?
This pathway is accessible to students at all of the Edmonds SD high schools listed below.  Select your high school to explore available pathway course offerings and descriptions.