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Career and Technical Education

CTE Pathways

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathways prepare students to be both College and Career Ready, and are offered at all district high schools.  CTE Pathways provide opportunities for students to explore their interests and passions, discover career opportunities, earn college credit, and develop meaningful and relevant programs of study that lead to success in high school and beyond.  In addition, many CTE courses within these pathways can be used to meet other graduation requirements including Art, English, Health, PE, Math and Science.

CTE Pathways: A Path toward meeting state Math and English Graduation Pathway Requirements

Recent changes in state graduation requirements provide students in the class of 2020 and beyond the option to meet both state Math and English/Language Arts Graduation Pathway requirements by completing 2 credits within an approved CTE Pathway related to their career interests and goals.  An approved CTE Pathway consists of a sequence of CTE courses in a specific program area that provide opportunities to earn college credit and/or an industry certification, and lead directly to employment or an articulated college or apprenticeship program. 

Each of the CTE Pathways listed in the left column are approved for use as Math and ELA testing alternatives.  Students are encouraged to explore Pathways related to their interests by selecting any of the CTE Pathway links in the left column.   Each link provides access to helpful information and videos about the CTE Pathway, as well as a Pathway Planning Guide with information on how to include the CTE Pathway as part of a student’s 4-year high school plan.

See Edmonds CTE Student Media Team interview with State Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal on the importance and value of CTE Graduation Pathways